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The Value Chart works better using "Canvas Paper". I searched several books in my library for ideas on how to proceed, among many the best is the sample shown in "Oil Painter's SOLUTION BOOK LANDSCAPES" by Elizabeth Tolley a North Light Publication, pages 92-93. I drew the chart on a blank sheet (pic.1) there are 7 rows and 11 columns with different hues on each, the very top row(small rectangles) contains pure color out of the tube. To make a master chart I cut out wells with a Xacto knife to create a stencil that can be used over and over to make other charts (pic.2) Then I beging the color mixing on a glass palette (pic.3) Then I mix a Mid value matching 18% grey card used in photography, row 5, then put White in one end and Black in the other end of the scale, and now comes the hard part, create a grey scale from 2 to 7 (column 12). Finally I mix color #1 with each of the other colors in 1:1 ratio and creat a new row #8, then I add white to each color to create a gradation from 7 down to 2. Before filling the well I compare it with the corresponding shade in the grey scale, and the result is shown on (pic. 4)



This sample appears on page 53 of the book "Painting the IMPRESSIONIST LANDSCAPE, Lessons in Interpreting Light and Color" by Lois Griffel and Published by WATSON-GUPTILL PUBLICATIONS.
The chart shown in the book was done using Oil, I did mine in acrylic as illustrated below.

Sorry the picture did not come out very good but you'll get the idea. It has 22 rows and 8 columns.
I used all the colors in my possession. It is meant to be read in a vertical format so you have to use your imagination thinking vertically. Each row has a different pure color that coincides with the grey scale at the top and then adding white to create a gradation from column 8 to 2, but we'll use the scale from 2 to 7 only, as taught to us by Johannes Vloothuis.

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